Our strength and Balance class involves strengthening exercises which targets the lower body area and balancing exercises which are done in a variety of sitting, standing and walking positions. Classes have a maximum of 6 clients per class and are appropriate for all. All exercises are catered to the individuals needs and capabilities. Our classes are run by qualified physiotherapists and runs out of the gym in our Physiotherapy clinic. 


  • Improve your balance and strength

  • Educate you on how to reduce your risk of falling

  • Work with you to suit your needs

  • Advise you on how to make your home safer

  • Teach you safe ways to get up if you do have a fall

  • Show you how to keep active

  • Get you involved in an exercise based programme


  • Have you had a fall in the last year?

  • Are you taking four or more medications daily?

  • Do you have Parkinson's disease or history of stroke?

  • Do you feel you have any balance problems?

  • Do you have to use your arms for support when getting up from a chair?

  • Are you limiting what you do due to fear of falling?

If you answered YES to three or more of the above questions, then you are at high risk of falling and could benefit from our Strength and Balance classes. 


Bookings are essential, so please call us to ensure your spot!